Our Approach
Huron Dunes Subdivision’s greatest asset is its residents, who make the community a wonderful place to live. For 59 years, the community has been self-managed an maintained through Huron Dunes Association, a Michigan Domestic Non-Profit Corporation. The company’s filing status is listed as Active and its file number is 708100.
It is governed by Board of Trustees, comprised of residents whom are elected by its member homeowners. The intent is to build, support and enrich our neighborhood for current and future homeowners. The relationships within the neighborhood are a vital influence on the success of our future as a premier Lake Huron community. Therefore, our purpose is to foster open communication and a sense of support, pride, enthusiasm and excellence within the community.
Meet the Board of Trustees
Huron Dunes Association has an active, elected Board of Trustees, who are homeowners and members of the Association, within the subdivision and in this role, shall manage the Association. The Board consists of six (6) Trustees. The Trustees are elected for three-year terms and hold office until their successors are elected at the Association Annual Meeting. The Trustees serving at the time of the meeting shall complete their term of office so that one third of the total number of Trustees are elected at each Association Annual Meeting.
The powers of the Trustees are to oversee daily operations of the business and affairs of the Association, including maintenance of common and park land areas, association fiscal accounting and enforcement of deed restrictions. Additional duties shall include management over the water service, road maintenance and use of the common areas.
The Board of Trustees welcomes and encourages anyone interested in taking an active role in helping build and maintain our subdivision. As an eligible homeowner member in good standing, if you are interested in running for on one of the Board of Trustee positions, please submit your name and a short biography prior the May Association Annual Meeting.
Here is a general description of Board Officers, Trustee role and the names of the incumbents.

Larry Lenard
The president is the principal executive officer and in general, is responsible to supervise and control all of the business and affairs conducted on behalf of the subdivision. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Trustees, and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Trustees.
Contact: [email protected]

Jim Dietz
The Secretary is the custodian of corporate records. He/she records all votes, and keep records of all Association Meetings and Board meetings.
Contact: [email protected]

Bill Wolter
The Vice President shall preside at meetings of the association and the Board in the absence of the President. He/she shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the Board of Trustees. Currently action as Harbor Master and Building Committee. Please use one of the following to reach this board member.
Contact: [email protected]

Gary Mytch
The trustee is an appointed or elected individual that is a member of the governing body of the Board of Trustees and seeks to ensure the best interest of association members in all types .
Contact: [email protected]

Michele Schweitzer
The Treasurer is the custodian of the funds and securities with full and accurate accounting of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Association. He/she supervises collection of all membership and special assessments.
Contact: [email protected]

Jeff Rochefort
Trustee/Building Committee
The trustee is an appointed or elected individual that is a member of the governing body of the Board of Trustees and seeks to ensure the best interest of association members in all types .
Contact: [email protected]
For further details, reference the Association Documents page.